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Наименование организации: АНО ДПО «Академия физической и реабилитационной медицины» 

Дата основания: 2021 год
Место нахождения: 197022, г. Санкт-Петербург, Каменноостровский пр-кт 54/31
Место осуществления образовательной деятельности: 197022, г. Санкт-Петербург, Каменноостровский пр-кт 54/31
График работы: пн. – пт. с 10.00 до 22.00, сб., вс. с 11.00 до 18.00.
Контактные телефоны: +7 812 490-75-55
Адрес электронной почты:


Сведения об учредителе:
1. Шевцов Анатолий Владимирович

Выписка из реестра образовательных лицензий

The history of the development of massage courses
under the guidance of Professor A.V. Shevtsova



The origin of the first author's scientifically grounded method  "Armos" for unloading the deep paravertebral muscles of the spine. Obtaining a patent for a method of restorative unloading of the spine. Anatoly Vladimirovich Shevtsov conducts mass lectures on teaching the population self-massage and unloading the spine in all major cities of Russia.

Anatoly Vladimirovich Shevtsov  integrates with the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sports, where it develops unique methods for the recovery of athletes in elite sports and independently implements them during sports camps, competitions and Olympiads.


On the basis of the accumulated scientific and practical experience associated with the recovery of elite sportsmen, the developed methods are being adapted for the population. 

Professor Anatoly Vladimirovich Shevtsov founds the Institute of Sports and Rehabilitation Medicine in St.  wellness, medical and children's massages. The institute was located on a small avenue of the Petrogradskaya side. The first groups of masseurs are produced.


The Institute of Sports and Rehabilitation Medicine is developing powerfully in terms of scientific and teaching activities. The number of graduates is increasing every month. Professor Anatoly Vladimirovich Shevtsov publishes new scientific research in the field of restoring the human body. New author's educational programs are formed and added to training. The institute is moving to a new building at 54/31 Kamennoostrovsky prospect. Joint scientific research is being carried out with President of the International Foundation for Osteopathy Serge Paoletti from France.


Professor Anatoly Vladimirovich Shevtsov begins to head the Department of Physical Rehabilitation at the National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health named after P.F. Lesgaft in the city of St. Petersburg. The Institute of Sports and Rehabilitation Medicine is being transformed into the Center for Author's Methods of Professor A.V. Shevtsov. The center is located at the same address: Kamennoostrovsky pr-kt 54/31. The program of basic training of a masseur "Health-improving and deep massage" has been scientifically substantiated and prepared for training. The center opens its own scientific laboratory for physiological research. Massage courses in St. Petersburg  go to all of Russia. For the first time, training programs-marathons for nonresidents with free accommodation in St. Petersburg are being opened.

In the same year, Professor Anatoly Vladimirovich founded his own brand of professional cosmetics for massage therapists under the name "Laboratory of Aesthetic Physiology of Professor AV Shevtsov". Together with HBO at the Russian Academy of Sciences "Vita", the production of scientifically grounded cosmetics, unique in its properties, based on the cultivation of plant stem cells, is launched.